God calls. We follow. Life happens.

God calls to be with him and to be send out (see Mk 3:14)

We respond to him—and in responding we are already becoming God’s communication of the Gospel to the world around us. Pursuing one’s vocation in Christ in the Church—whatever that vocation may be—is the path of deep-down meaning and beauty. 

But life is complicated. Things never work out the way we expect them to. People are people… And bad things happen to good people—just look at the crucifix.

The prophet Jeremiah lamented, “You duped me O Lord, and I let myself be duped” (Jer 20:7-9). Today we might phrase it differently: “I didn’t sign up for this!”

Life is unpredictable. A life-long commitment goes on, and on, and on—through seasons of discovery and success, through seasons of hardship and struggle, and through seasons when the mind and heart are fallow earth: “parched lifeless and without water” (Ps 63:2).

God still calls. The strength of the vocation is in the One who calls. 


See, I have God for my help.
The Lord sustains my soul.
I will sacrifice to you with willing heart,
and praise your name, O Lord, for it is good.

Psalm 54:6,8
Entrance Antiphon for the 17th week in Ordinary Time

See what God is doing for me; doing for us!
My soul, sustained by God’s gracious gift, magnifies the Lord.
Because Your help is faithful and constant, I want for nothing. So I can (and I do!) freely return everything back to You in praise and adoration.
See, my Lord, You’ve given me these talents. Look what I get to do with them!
I get to praise Your name and speak of all Your wonderful gifts without measure. For in the end, You are gloriously triumphant.